Senin, 22 Maret 2021

How to Use Dry Shampoo

How to Use Dry Shampoo - Dry shampoo is a type of shampoo that is used without rinsing. Dry shampoo is also very practical to use because it is packaged in a spray form, which can be used anytime when your hair is limp. Many women use dry shampoo because it works better than hairspray and is suitable for those who are very busy.

1. Wear a hairdryer after using dry shampoo

Using a hairdryer after using dry shampoo will make your hair smoother. In addition, using a hairdryer can break down dry shampoo from the scalp to the middle of the hair. It will remove any residue that can interfere with your appearance.

2. Spray dry shampoo some distance from the hair so that the splash is more even

Avoid spraying dry shampoo close to the head. You must provide a spray distance of about 20-30 cm from the head. This is done so that the shampoo splash can reach the hair area and last longer.

3. Don't forget to wash your hair twice if you use dry shampoo for more than two days

Dry shampoo contains relatively high chemicals. Therefore, you need to maintain the health of your hair by washing your hair twice if you use dry shampoo for more than two days. If necessary, add hair vitamins after shampooing so that your hair is more nourished.

4. Do not use dry shampoo too much on the hair

Using too much dry shampoo will make your hair limp. In fact, you want smooth and shiny hair, right? Apply sparingly in your hair area. To add volume, try spraying a little on the roots then combing from the back.

5. Avoid using dry shampoo more than two days in a row because it can clog the pores of the scalp

However, dry shampoo does not last as long as regular shampoo. Using dry shampoo for too long, it will damage your hair. Therefore, use it within a period of one to two days. After that, immediately wash your hair.

Ways To Treat Dry Hair

Ways To Treat Dry Hair - A state or condition where making hair dry is a condition that is not desired by every woman. The characteristics of dry and dull hair include: rough to the touch, feeling stiff, easy to fall out, break easily, and split ends. The cause of damaged hair is usually a combination of environmental and bad habits. So, how to treat dry hair that you can do

Easy and Practical Ways to Care for Dry Hair

Before explaining about the treatment of dry hair, you need to know that this condition can be caused by using hair products that are too harsh, washing your hair too often, frequently using flat iron or hair curling tools, frequently using hair dyes, and even malnutrition.

Another effect of dry hair that often makes a woman feel insecure is that it expands her hair and makes it difficult to manage. Another important thing you should know is that your hair is dry because your scalp doesn't produce oil to keep your hair moisturized. In addition, with increasing age, oil production will be less. Here are some ways to keep your hair from drying out, which you can do, including:

1. Shampoo

The first way to treat dry hair is to choose a shampoo that suits your hair type. Choose a special shampoo for the treatment of damaged and dry hair.

Avoid shampooing every day, it is recommended to wash your hair every 2 days. However, if you are doing outdoor activities that cause your hair to become dirty, then you can wash it every day. If necessary, also use a conditioner that can help keep hair moisturized.

2. Hair vitamins

The next way to treat dry hair is to use hair vitamins. This method is useful for helping hair get the nutrients it needs. Like shampoo, it is necessary to know the type of hair vitamin that is adjusted to the conditions of hair damage.

Hair with dry scalp should use hair vitamins that contain E and B3. Meanwhile, for coarse and branched hair, you should choose hair vitamins that contain C. For hair loss, you can use hair vitamins that contain biotin.

3. Hair equipment

The use of a hair dryer should be avoided, if you really need your hair to dry quickly then you can use a fan to make it dry quickly. In addition to hair dryers, other hair equipment that creates heat, such as flat iron, are also at risk of damaging hair.

Some hair tools are actually safe to use, but to prevent dry hair, limit their use.

4. Comb

Quick, coarse brushing will result in frizz and damage. Therefore, how to treat dry hair can be done by combing it slowly and not combing tangled hair because it can make it fall out. Use a part that has a large gap to make it easier to comb it.

5. Hair dye

If you want to do hair coloring, you should choose a hair dye that is safe and does not damage your hair. Don't forget to read the usage rules and safety usage in detail on the product packaging, and use it according to the usage rules.

Before applying it to your hair, it is recommended that you do a skin patch test first. If the applied skin area feels itchy or shows other strange signs, delay the use of hair dye.

6. Olive oil

Olive oil can be used to treat dry and fluffy hair. Olive oil is also believed to soften, retain moisture and strengthen it down to the hair shaft.

Apart from olive oil, several types of essential oils can be used to treat dry hair. For example, coconut and almond oils can make hair shiny and soften it. In addition, lavender essential oil helps treat dandruff as well as nourish hair.

The way to use it is quite easy, namely by applying oil to your hair, covering your head with a towel or shower cap, waiting for about 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

7. Eggs

An easy way to treat dry hair at home is using eggs. Eggs are high in lecithin, which helps repair and strengthen damaged hair, leaving it moisturized and shiny.

To do this, mix 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir all the ingredients until well blended. After that, apply to the scalp with the hair that has been dampened a little. Cover your head with a shower cap for 30 minutes then treat it with shampoo. This method should be done once a week.

Colored Hair Treatment

Colored Hair Treatment - Some of the articles that we will present to you this time, can be very helpful if you want to find related information about How to Care and Treat Colored Hair. And on this occasion we will provide several articles that discuss and review how to treat and treat colored hair

If there is a more pleasant feeling than leaving the salon freshly dyed, perhaps watching the sequel to the long-awaited television series. However, this feeling can fade away as quickly as untreated hair color. Keep reading our guide on how to care for colored hair that you need to understand and master. In having colored hair, you have to focus on care to maintain the health and moisture of your hair so that it looks fresh and not dull. Francesca Rapolla, an expert from Unilever's research and development team, provides important insights regarding this matter. There are some basic things that you need to understand and be good at in caring for colored hair, whether it's trying extreme bleach blonde or dark dark colors. more subtle. Read thoroughly the following guide on how to care for colored hair.

Washing your hair at the salon after dyeing is enough, so you don't need to wash it again when you return home. "There are no standard rules that determine when you have to wait to wash your hair after dyeing your hair." Francesca emphasized. Unlike hair smoothing, which usually prohibits shampooing for a few days after treatment. If this is your first time dyeing your hair, you should change your shampooing schedule a little so that you don't overwash or over-shampoo your hair. If you usually wash your hair every day, after dyeing your hair you need to change that habit.

The new color in your hair will fade with each wash. Based on the editor's personal experience, hair color will fade to 50% of its original color after 10-12 washings. So ideally, you can try washing your hair every 2-3 days. What about bleaching? Do you still have to wash your hair before doing this procedure? If you bleach the roots, the answer is no. The natural oils on the scalp can actually protect your hair during the bleaching process. Whatever hair color you choose, you need to pay attention to the condition of your hair afterward. If your hair gets drier, you should wash it once a week. For dry hair, over-shampooing can not only fade the color but also make hair drier.

Thin, oily hair may need to be washed more frequently to avoid the build-up of oil that can lead to limp and flat hair. Colored hair is often drier than hair that is not colored. This will immediately be felt when you wet your hair. Do you feel your hair sticking together and difficult to comb with your fingers? This is due to the open cuticle of the hair and even eroded when the hair is colored. For that, you need a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair problem. The bad news is, hot water is not your hair friend. According to Francesca, "Hot water can open hair cuticles and fade the color in the hair shaft." On the other hand, cold water can help lock in the cuticles so that the color will last longer.

The chemicals in hair dyes can make hair dry and rough. As a result, the hair will be more difficult to manage and easily expand. Ironing your hair every day is not the right choice. Adding extra nutrients and moisture is one way to treat colored hair that you can do easily. You can add hair vitamins after shampooing. Another option is to use natural masks regularly. No need to buy, we have hair mask recipes from natural ingredients that you can make yourself at home. Apart from limiting the frequency of frequent shampooing and hot water, sunshine, swimming pools, and the heat of styling tools are the three big sins for your hair.

If you plan to spend long hours outdoors, make sure your hair is protected from the sun. For example, with a hat or trying various variations of hair accessories with a scarf. In the second place there is chlorine which is usually found in swimming pool water which has the potential to make hair drier. The solution, immediately wash your hair after swimming. If necessary, replace your normal conditioner with one that is deep conditioning or detoxifying. Last and no less damaging its potential is the heat of styling tools, such as a flat iron, curling wand, or hair dryer. If you are one of those who often use these three tools every day, then heat protection spray is a must have product on your dressing table. Our favorite is TRESemmé Keratin Heat Protect Spray.

Equipped with keratin, this spray can protect hair from the negative effects of excessive heat and make it easier to style. For maximum results, see our tips on using heat protection spray. Dry shampoo cannot replace the role of shampoo in cleaning oil and dirt from hair, but you can use this product in an emergency, for example when your hair is not allowed to come into contact with it. If you understand these seven colored hair treatments for beginners, then there will be no more obstacles for you to dye your hair. For starters, try this increasingly popular pink hair color trend.

Pay Attention To This Before Bleaching

Pay Attention To This Before Bleaching - Some of the articles that we will present to you this time, can be very helpful if you want to find related information about Paying Attention to This Before Bleaching. And on this occasion we will provide several articles that discuss and review about Paying Attention to This Before Bleaching

Bleaching causes a burning sensation on the scalp

Most people who have had a bleach experience a burning sensation on the scalp. This is actually normal, so salon people make sure your scalp is protected before the bleaching process. Try not to wash it before bleaching. You see, your scalp needs to be coated with natural hair oils to minimize the risk of infection on the scalp.

Hair color can not be seen overnight

Sometimes, people expect their hair to look different immediately after the dyeing process. You need to know, hair takes at least 12 hours to shed its natural pigment. If possible, you can do separate treatment so that it doesn't take too long at the salon.

Bleaching can cause allergic reactions in some people

Not everyone is suitable for chemicals and exposure to high temperatures. People with sensitive skin may be more prone to allergies than those with normal skin. So, it's a good idea to consult with a hair expert before bleaching.

The results for each person can be different

The effectiveness of bleaching is determined by several factors, one of which is body temperature. If your body temperature is warm, chances are that your hair color will appear more quickly. But no need to worry, after bleaching, the hair color will definitely show, really. It's just that, the time will be different for each person.

Hair Type

Pay attention to your hair type before bleaching, Toppers. Does your hair match if you bleach it? If your hair tends to get damaged easily, then you should restore your hair health first before bleaching. This is because bleaching can make hair dry and easily damaged.

Hair Color Selection

When choosing a hair dye color, make sure you choose a color that matches your skin tone. If you can't decide what color to use, it's best to hold off on bleaching your hair first. You can do how to find hair dye that fits your skin color by trying various colors of wigs, Toppers, you know.

Extra Care

Bleached hair definitely needs more attention than hair that is not dyed. When shampooing, you have to be careful and pay more attention to the color of your hair, which changes color over time. You need to know Toppers, after bleaching you should avoid shampooing and only use dry shampoo to keep your hair fresh. After that, choose a variety of hair care products that are specifically formulated for bleaching or colored hair.

Hair So Dry

As we know, hair bleach is a hair product made from quite harsh chemicals. That's why when you bleach your hair, you have to be prepared for the risk that your hair will become drier and more easily damaged. You can consult an expert to reduce the damage caused by this bleaching.

Scalp Health

Pay attention to the health of your scalp first, toppers before bleaching. If you have problems with your scalp such as peeling or infection, you should treat them first. This is because bleaching can make problematic scalp conditions worse.

Leave it to the experts

Every salon offers a bleaching service. Before choosing the right salon and hair dye expert, you should first find out which salon has good quality and adjust it within your budget. Because this is related to the condition of the hair, then choose a salon that is good at bleaching your hair.

Take the Test

To find out whether bleaching is still safe for your hair and scalp, you can do a little test on a small part of your hair that isn't much visible. If there are no problems with your hair and scalp, then you are free to do the bleaching and color your hair according to your liking.

After bleaching, wash your hair with cold water

Bleaching involves tools and chemicals that are at a high enough temperature. After almost a day of exposure to hot temperatures, wash your hair using cold water to make it more relaxed. Don't forget to use conditioner afterward.

You don't need to wash your hair too often

The bleaching process can make the scalp drier. So, you don't need to wash your hair too often. On the other hand, use more conditioner and hair mask so that your hair doesn't fall out easily.

Dry Shampoo Is Not Just For Shampooing

Dry Shampoo Is Not Just For Shampooing - Some of the articles that we will present to you this time, can be very helpful if you want to find related information about Dry Shampoo Not Just For Shampooing. And on this occasion we will provide several articles that discuss and review about Dry Shampoo Not Just For Shampooing.

For you, a busy career woman who only has a little spare time, using dry shampoo to wash your hair can be the right solution for cleaning your hair. Dry shampoo is made to treat limp hair due to rarely shampooing but it is only temporary. Even though it looks practical in overcoming the problem of limp hair, dry shampoo still shouldn't be used too often because it can cause other hair problems such as dandruff and hair loss.

Unique Benefits of Dry Shampoo that You May Not Know

Well, instead of using dry shampoo in your bathroom rarely and leaving it just like that, it turns out you can use it for other things too! Here are other uses of dry shampoo that you may not know about.

1. Instantly Thicken Eyebrows

Did you wake up late and didn't have time to put on your face, especially your eyebrows? You can use dry shampoo to get a thick effect on the eyebrows quickly. You only need to spray dry shampoo on your fingers and gently rub it on your eyebrows so that your eyebrows look more voluminous and thick at once.

2. Make Hair Look Thicker

For those of you who have straight and thin hair, you can use dry shampoo to make your hair look thicker and more voluminous. Shampoo as usual, then dry. If your hair is completely dry, you can spray dry shampoo into several parts of your hair and then comb it as usual.

3. Clothes Stain Removal Solutions

If your clothes have stains that are very difficult to remove such as oil stains or food stains, you can use dry shampoo as an easy solution to get rid of stains on your clothes. You only need to spray dry shampoo into the stain on your favorite clothes, then let it sit for 10-20 minutes. Then, wash your clothes as usual, guaranteed the stain of the clothes will disappear instantly!

4. Gluing Hair Accessories

You often use hair accessories such as headbands or hair clips, but they often slip off your head? To prevent something like that from happening, you can use dry shampoo as a solution. You can spray the accessories you want to use with dry shampoo and then use them where you like. Dry shampoo can glue your accessories together for longer lasting use.

First Fact

Dry shampoo actually doesn't really clean our scalp, in fact, this product can reduce the balance of hair oil content which is actually healthy for our hair. If we use this product continuously without cleaning the scalp first, dry shampoo can make our scalp dry and lose the good oil for the scalp.

How to fix?

First, choose products that contain aerosols, so they tend to leave less residue. Use a clarifying shampoo to remove residue and clean the scalp properly. Ideally, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo twice a day so that the residue is completely removed. For dry shampoo lovers, use products that can enrich hair protein every week, such as hair vitamins for example.

Second Fact

Dry shampoo can fade hair color. According to Derba Jaliman, dermatologist and author of Skin Rules. Dry shampoo is intended to remove oil from oily and limp hair, so the formula creates a texture that reduces shine.

How to fix?

Using dry shampoo every now and then is fine, but for colored hair it is important to alternate between using color-protecting shampoo and dry shampoo to keep hair healthy, ”advises Anabel Kingsley, Philip Kingsley's hair and scalp specialist.

Third Fact

Dry shampoo is not good for the natural shedding process of hair. Like facial skin, our hair and scalp need good cleaning every day, and clean and dandruff-free hair helps optimize hair growth. Scalp problems like dandruff can get worse if the hair is not cleaned properly. And this can affect not only the health of hair growth on the head, but also on the hair that will grow.

How to fix?

To avoid scalp problems, dry hair, break easily, and dead skin cells, use hair care products that focus on dealing with scalp problems. A dandruff scalp can worsen hair loss for some people. So, relying too much on dry shampoo is proven to have negative effects on hair and scalp. So use a clarifying shampoo at least once a week for cleaner, healthier hair!

How to Use Dry Shampoo

How to Use Dry Shampoo - Dry shampoo is a type of shampoo that is used without rinsing. Dry shampoo is also very practical to use because it...